Why should I brand wrap my lorry?

There’s an advertising solution for everything these days isn’t there?

Banner adverts on websites, videos on YouTube or just a good old fashioned double spread in the paper.

But two constants that remain…well constant, is the fact that advertising is sold on the basis of increasing your chances of selling your product or service and also that you can never guarantee the results until you start doing it.

We’re not in the habit of selling dreams that won’t come true here, but what we can tell you is the benefits of wrapping your lorry fleets in your branding.

1.  It’s free for your customers.

Most adverts happen at a cost to the consumer. Whether they’re buying a newspaper to read or listening to a podcast or watching a TV show. Adverts often interrupt people when they least want to be, or appear even when they’ve paid for something else.

Whereas when they look at your lorries driving past them either on the road or when they’re walking, they see your advert in the course of their day.

It’s less intrusive, and subconsciously, more appreciated.

And people buy from brands that don’t annoy them.

2. You’ll reach more people.

As we approach the end of lockdown, we’re going to have more commuters on the road than ever before.

By covering your lorries in your branding, you’ll reach potential customers more quickly, and a lot faster than other forms of advertising, because they’re out on the road, not scrolling on their phones.

It also means every single driver and passenger you pass will see your businesses branding, and is also far more likely to buy from you.

3. You’re in control.

In any other form of advertising, you’re limited by what you can say, how much you say, the dimensions of your pictures/logos and finally where your advert actually appears.

But if you wrap your lorry in your own branding and advertising?

What you say goes, right on the lorry!

The only limitation is how much you can physically fit onto the lorry itself.

You also have the added benefit that the advert shows on your lorry 24 hours, 7 days a week, 12 months a year.

But one of the biggest arguments for wrapping your lorry is quite simple.

The largest expenditure to having a branded lorry is the lorry itself, and you already have them.

Because you need them for specific purposes, and to be able to trade as a business.

Wrapping them in your branding and advertising, for a low, one-off cost means that not only will they work getting you from A – B, but will work for your marketing too.

Meaning for every mile of fuel you pay for, you’re not just using that to travel.
But to reach potential customers too.

It will pay for itself very quickly, and pay dividends in the long run!

And if you aren’t getting as much use out of your lorries as possible, you’re the only one missing out.

Contact our friendly team today to find out how we can brand your vans and lorries and grow your business.