Marketing Plan? It’s a wrap!

When it comes to marketing strategy, pretty much every business uses a mixture of online/digital advertising, as well as the more traditional methods like newspapers or signs.

But there’s a hidden advertising opportunity for every business, and you’ve probably sat in it at some point.

That’s right, we’re talking about your company vehicles.

It doesn’t matter if you have a single vehicle you use for delivering orders, or you have a fleet of multi-axle lorries complete with massive trailers.
Your vehicles are your constant, reliable method of getting your brand and message out to the world.
And the best part is, you’ve already done the hard work by investing your business capital in the vehicles in the first place!

Once you’ve got your vehicle wrapped, you’re all set with your very own, portable advert.

Whether you’re making your way into the centre of Manchester, or you’re doing the orbit route of the M60, not only will your vehicle be working to get you from A to B, but it will serve as a vibrant, eye catching method of advertising, to every single person you pass.

It reinforces your brand, especially if you have regular routes where people might start to recognise your vehicles driving past.

It’s also a very affordable way to advertise.

For a low, one off cost, a vehicle wrap will last you for several years, what other advertising product can give you that length of time and flexibility? Plus, when the time comes to replace the wrap, you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you see that the paintwork underneath is in just as good a condition as it was the day you wrapped it! Dings, scrapes and tarmac spots will probably be on the wrap, not your van or lorry’s body (hopefully).

This then goes even further when it comes to the value of your vehicles, because the less wear and tear you have on them, means you’ll add more to its potential resale value!

Vehicle wraps also do a lot to make your vehicle look more attractive.

Rather than a solid colour like every other vehicle, this is your chance to show your brand’s personality. Whether it’s vibrant colours, a tongue in cheek mascot or a more classic look, the wrap will show your customers exactly who they’re buying from, and increase the chances of them buying too! Whether you’re stuck in traffic, making a delivery, people will notice your vehicle if branded.

Think about where you live.

If a neighbour has tradespeople or a delivery or people working on the garden, a drive, or an extension, be honest – do you look out and make a mental note of the company? Course you do! Human nature.

Because people like to buy from people and companies they are familiar with, and for us Mancunians, buying local is the way to go.

Your vehicles get you everywhere you need to go, so why not add your marketing journey to its itinerary?

Boost your return on your investment, and save your marketing plan from running on fumes while you’re at it!